Last chance to register for “Adaptive Path’s Design Research” workshop

Deadline to register

TriUPA‘s upcoming workshop on design research methods (“Adaptive Path’s Approach to Design Research” —, will be held on Friday, February 20th at CED from 9am – 5:00pm (lunch is included in the cost of the workshop).

ยป You must register online by 5:00pm Wed 2/18/09 to attend the workshop.

Don’t let money be an object to your attending the workshop! Contact Abe Crystal if you can’t afford the workshop fee, particularly if you’re between jobs or you can’t get expense approval from your employer.

About the workshop

This workshop is for intermediate to advanced UX professionals working to develop a more complete understanding of their customers. Todd (from Adaptive Path) will guide attendees beyond usability tests and focus groups to gain a deeper and more complete picture of their customers’ lives. This workshop covers everything from basic models of human behavior to interviewing and data analysis to strategies for making research work effective in your organization.

The majority of discussions about user research focus on the details of various methodologies such as interviews, lab studies, surveys, etc. But the bulk of the hard work and value in research comes from what happens before and after data collection. This day is structured to provide you with a framework for conducting effective user research with a focus on research planning and analysis. Effective research is about generating ideas as much as it is about evaluating design concepts; activities and concepts will focus on developing a deep understanding of your customers through qualitative and contextual research. Nearly every section involves hands-on research activities to help you learn to put the concepts we discuss into practice.

And here’s a nice review of a design research workshop Todd presented in Minneapolis, by TriUPA member Geoff Mackey.

TriUPA now on Facebook

Triangle UPA now has a TriUPA Facebook Group! The group is open to members and non-members alike.